Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine
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Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine: Everything you need to know
Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine: Everything you need to know
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Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine: Everything you need to know

Everything you need to know about Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine - especially all their locations.'s Evolution: Pioneering Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine, evolving from its original brand, emerges as the top European facilitator and proponent of easy-to-use Bitcoin ATMs, with a special emphasis on reinforcing its network of Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine. Established six years ago in the picturesque town of Bydgoszcz in Poland, they have progressively broadened their reach, leaving indelible marks even in the most challenging of market climates. They proudly announce their transformation to ‘Bitomat,’ a colloquial Polish term synonymous with a Bitcoin ATM. Learn more about the history of Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine.

Their upgraded models visibly flaunt the Bitcoin ‘B’ symbol, harmonizing their brand identity with their innovative Bitomats. While the phrase ‘Bitcoin ATMs’ continues to be integral to their identity, they are metamorphosing their digital footprint to, dedicated to the mission of escalating awareness and adoption of cryptocurrencies. Discover the evolution of Bitcoin ATMs.


Locations of Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine by has established several Bitcoin ATMs across various locations in Ukraine to ensure widespread accessibility. Here is a list of places where these ATMs can be found:

  • Dnipro:'s Bitcoin ATM at Appolo Торгівельно-розважальний комплекс, Tytova St, 36, Dnipro 49000, Dnipropetrovs'ka oblast. More info on Bitcoin ATM - Dnipro. Operating hours: Monday to Sunday, 09:00 - 21:00.

Appolo Торгівельно-розважальний комплекс
Tytova St, 36

  • Kharkiv: The Bitcoin ATM is situated at ТРЦ Французький бульвар, вул. Академіка Павлова, 44-б, Kharkiv, Kharkivs'ka oblast, Ukraine 61038. Entrance is from the parking side and near the Eiffel Tower replica. Operating hours: daily 9.00 – 20:00.

ТРЦ Французький бульвар
вул. Академіка Павлова, 44-б

  • Kiev: Located at Ocean Plaza, Antonovycha St, 176, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03150. More info on Bitcoin ATM - Kiev. Operating hours: Monday to Sunday, 10:00 - 22:00.
  • Lviv: Two locations are available:
  • ТОЦ Інтерсіті, Проспект В'ячеслава Чорновола 67г, Lviv, Lviv Oblast, Ukraine, 79058. More info on Bitcoin ATMs in Lviv. Operating hours: Monday to Saturday - 10:00–20:00, Sunday - 10:00–19:00.
  • СТРЦ SPARTAK, вулиця Гетьмана Мазепи 1Б, Lviv, Lviv Oblast 79068. More info on Bitcoin ATM - Lviv Spartak. Operating hours: Monday to Sunday, 10:00 - 22:00.
  • Odessa: At ТЦ "Галерея Афина", Hrets'ka Square, 3/4, 65000 Odesa, Odessa Oblast. The ATM is near the Tawaria B store and the exchange office. Operating hours: Monday to Sunday, 8:00 - 23:00. More info on Bitcoin ATM - Odessa.
  • Poltava: Located at вул.Гоголя, 38, Poltava, Poltavs'ka oblast, 36000. Operating hours: Monday to Friday - 9:00 – 20:00, Sunday - 9:00 – 18:00.
  • Vinnytsia: Situated at вул.Зодчих, 2 Vinnytsia, Vinnyts'ka oblast, Ukraine 21000. Operating hours: daily from 8:00 to 23:00.

These locations have been strategically selected to ensure that a maximum number of users can access Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine conveniently.

The Rise of Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine is not just a symbol of brand transformation but represents a revolution in the realm of financial transactions in Ukraine. They are striving to make Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine synonymous with seamless, user-friendly, and secure transactions. This endeavor is not just about cryptocurrency transactions but also about ushering in a new era of financial freedom and literacy in Ukraine. Discover how Bitcoin ATMs are empowering the people of Ukraine.

Their initiative is fueling the cryptocurrency momentum in Ukraine, making the technology more accessible and comprehensible to the masses. By introducing state-of-the-art Bitcoin ATMs in various parts of Ukraine, is contributing to the country’s financial landscape, potentially shaping its future economic dynamics.

A Blend of Tradition and Innovation’s advanced models are a blend of traditional ATM functionality and cutting-edge cryptocurrency technology, ensuring that users in Ukraine experience the best of both worlds. These Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine are designed to be user-friendly, facilitating effortless transactions for both crypto enthusiasts and novices.

Spreading Cryptocurrency Awareness

By evolving their brand and enhancing their online presence, is at the forefront of fostering cryptocurrency knowledge and utilization. Their mission extends beyond providing Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine; it’s about enlightening the public on the myriad possibilities that cryptocurrencies offer and fostering a community where knowledge about blockchain and cryptocurrencies is shared and enriched. Learn more about cryptocurrency awareness in Ukraine.

Embracing a New Financial Era with Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine

The journey of is symbolic of the adoption and growth of cryptocurrencies in Europe and represents a beacon of innovation and progress in the financial sector. Their focus on Ukraine is crucial, as it signifies a targeted approach to address the needs and aspirations of the Ukrainian population, making the concept of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies more relatable and attainable.

Ocean Plaza
Antonovycha St, 176, Kyiv, Ukraine, 03150
вул. Антоновича, 176, Київ, 03150

Can you take cash out of a Bitcoin ATM?

In short, yes! The story of Alena Virobiova, a Ukrainian refugee who fled to Poland during the recent war, outlines the great use a Bitomat can provide. The story goes that Alena could not easily access her savings in the bank due to disruption to the banking sector and ordinary ATMs having a very low daily pay-out limit placed on customers. In the face of such uncertainty, a life in Poland was the only sensible option for her and her children. However, having no close friends or family there meant it was not easy.

A CNBC reporter who heard about her dilemma decided to donate some money to Alena who previously had had no experience in using crypto. With the help of another Ukrainian, a crypto developer, funds in the form of Bitcoin were sent to Alena’s new Munn wallet. From there, she went to a Bitomat in Wrocław nearby to where she was living in Poland and extracted the physical cash all within 3 minutes of receiving it in her wallet. A true success story of cross-border payment, that would have taken a bank many days to complete and cost a lot more!

Conclusion is more than just a rebranding; it's a revolutionary step toward making Bitcoin ATMs a household name in Ukraine. By bringing state-of-the-art, user-friendly Bitcoin ATMs to the Ukrainian populace, they are not just facilitating seamless cryptocurrency transactions but are also playing a pivotal role in shaping the financial literacy and independence of the region. Their endeavors in Ukraine are poised to leave a lasting impact, marking the onset of a new financial era empowered by blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. Explore the future of Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine.

Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine: Everything you need to know

Lidiya is editor-in-chief for Bitcoin-Ukraine and also spoke in Crowdcreate’s CryptoCom conference.

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Blog for Bitcoin ATMs in Madrid

The community of investors using Bitcoin ATMs in Ukraine is growing quite rapidly. New devices are popping up every month. Prices, fees, KYC and Bitcoin all fluctuate quite visibly. It is becoming harder and harder to stay in the loop of what is happening in the Bitcoin ATM market in Odessa or Kiev. With this blog, you are able to follow the recent developments and never miss out on changes in law or new methods of trading crypto privately with cash.